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10 ;"START THE TAPE": 7 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE ": 7 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 6 h;"Page ";a/h 6 UUUUUUUUUU 6 - Q to Quit": 6 " Press 2 or 3 for pages or Hold S for 5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 5 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 5 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 4 ffffffffff 4 )=" " 3 h;"16K or 48K": 3 ZZZZZZZZZZ 3 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 3 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 3 ;"OR Q TO QUIT": 3 "ENTER TWO HEX DIGITS, 00 TO FF"; 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 ~~~~~~~~~~B~~ 2 zzzzEEEEEEEEEEEE 2 zzEEEEEEEEEEEE 2 zzEEEEEEEEE 2 i;"SPACE DEFENDER": 2 h;" 48K Only": 2 ZZrev 2 XArev 2 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU$UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU$UUUU 2 SErev 2 PSrev 2 P7rev 2 JTrev 2 H$="0123456789ABCDEF": 2 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2 BCODE 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~ 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<a 2 ;"SOFTWARE REVIEWS"'' 2 ;"HIGH ";HISCR: 2 ;"HARDWARE REVIEW" 2 ;" LOADING " 2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY": 2 ;" ": 2 "8";"START THE TAPE": 2 2 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~s\ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~B 1 ~WqWqWqWqWqWqWqWqWqWqWqWqWqWqWqWq~ 1 ~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~ 1 |~<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 |<<<<<<<<<<<z^ 1 |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<> 1 zzzzGGDDDDDDDDDD 1 y get thei 1 w#w#w#w#w#w#w#w# 1 space 1 s$(d-n)=" ": 1 reviews2 1 reviews1 1 prang / 1 pax 1 or press "Q" to quit 1 nnnnnnhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhnhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnx~~~~~~~~hnnnnhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnx~~~~~~~~nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnppppppppppppppp{ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp{ppppxxxpppp||pppp}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}x}}}}pppppppppppppppppypppppp{ppyppxpppp|pppxxxpypxxxp}pxxxxp{pp}pp}ppp}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}pppxpppppp{ppppppppppppppyppppypppp}pp||pp{p|ppxxxpppyppp}p|pp}ppp}}}}}}}}}x}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}pppppyppppppppppppp{ppyppppp{pxpppppp}pppxxxppypypp{pp}ppypp{pxppp}}}}}}}}}}}}}}x}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}pppxppppppppppp{ppppppppypppppppppp}ppyyypxxpyp{pypxxxpp}ppppppppp}}}}}}}}}}}}}z}}}}}}}}}}zzzzz}ppppppppppppppppppppppxpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppxpppppppppp 1 lives=lives-1 1 i;"WC2H 0EE" 1 i;"London"; 1 i;"ASP Ltd"; 1 i;"145 Charing Cross Road"; 1 hard 1 hack x 1 h;" 48K only": 1 g<BBBBBD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 ffff~~~~~~~~~ 1 ess 2 or 3 for page 1 cover$ 1 cover 1 bomber 1 a$=" " 1 a$(e,d-n)=" " 1 `~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ZZZZZZZZZZ8 1 ZZZZ<<<<<<<<< 1 Z$(AD-MOD*256 1 WIZ PRANG'S ROTATING RAINBOW 1 WAFFLE WAFFLE WAFFLE 1 UUWWWUWWUWU$UWUWWWUU 1 UUWWUU$UWUUWWWUUUWUUU 1 UUWUUUWWWUWUWWWU 1 UUUWWWUUWUWUU$UU 1 UUUUUUUUUW 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU$UUUUUU$UU$UUBUUUU 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU<UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU<UUUU 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU$UUUUWWWUUUUWWUUUUWWWWWWWWWWWWWW$WWWW 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUU<UU 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUU$UU 1 UUUUUUUUUUU<UUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUUUUUUU$UUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUU<UUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUU$UUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUU$UUUUUUUUUUUUU$UU$UUUUU$UBUUUUUU 1 UUUU<<UUUU 1 UUUBUUUUUUUUUUU$UUUUUUUU$UUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUBUUUUUU$UUUUUUUUUUUUUU$UUUU$UUUU 1 UU<<UU$U<UU 1 UU(U(UU$UU 1 USE LIST 4 1 TIME=TIME-1 1 START=23760 1 START,(AD+1 1 SCORE= LANDINGS=!S^ 1 PRINT COLOURFUL SCREEN TO DEMONSTRATE FLASHY ROUTINE ON 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO BEGIN 1 PRANG 1 POKE CODES INTO LINE 1 REM STATEMENT TO REPLACE 'STOP TAPE' ALARM CODE (THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU PUT ALL YOUR M/C ROUTINES IN LINE 1 REMS!) 1 MACHINE CODE ROUTINE IN DECIMAL 1 LINE 205 LIKE 200 BUT GOES FASTER WITHOUT BEEP 1 LINE 200 CALLS MACHINE CODE REPEATEDLY UNTIL KEY IS PRESSED- NOTE PAUSE 1 FOLLOWED BY FOR I=1 TO 1 WHICH CAUSES MEMORY TO BE CHANGED ONLY BETWEEN TV FRAMES TO STOP VISUAL MESS 1 JBBBBB_BBBB 1 HAVE FUN WATCHING THE GHOSTS EAT THIS LISTING! RUN THEGAME AND BREAK IN DURING THE ACTION, THEN PRESS LIST, BREAK, AND GOTO 3000. 1 GGGGGGG22200222 1 GGEEEEEEEEEzzGGDDDDDDDDDD 1 GGEEEEEEEEEzzGGDDDDDDD 1 GGEEEEEEEEEz22222222222222222222222222222222 1 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1 FFEEEEFFEFF 1 DOES ANYONE STILL NOT KNOW ABOUT USING EXTENDED MODE AND NUMBER KEYS TO INSERT COLOURCONTROL CODES INTO TEXT? 1 DELETE THIS LINE AND ALL FOLLOWING LINES TO REDUCE THE SIZE OF THE PROGRAM- ALSO SEE LINE 11 1 DELETE THIS LINE AND ALL EARLIER LINES TO REDUCE SIZEOF THE PROGRAM- ALSO SEE 1999 1 BY JOSEPH DUFFYf 1 BBB@@D~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~ 1 B@$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 @B$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 >~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 >s>s>s>s>s>s>s>s>s>s>s>s>s>s>s>s 1 <<<<<<<<<<<CP 1 <<<<<<<<<<<? 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<? 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<<< 1 <<<<<<<<<<$<<. 1 <<<<<<<<<<$<< 1 <4ffff~~~~~~~~~ 1 ;LIVES;" LIVES REMAINING!": 1 ;"score=";sc; 1 ;"is loading"; 1 ;"You have saved "; 1 ;"The Cutting Edge" 1 ;"Score=";sc; 1 ;"SELECT OPTION"; 1 ;"RUNNING M/C PROGRAM" 1 ;"RETURNED FROM M/C WITH ";BC; 1 ;"Paxland"; 1 ;"Paxland is flooded."; 1 ;"PITMAN SEVEN from VISIONS"; 1 ;"NOV/DEC ISSUE 1 ;"Micropower 'Add-On'" 1 ;"JUNGLE TROUBLE from DURELL"; 1 ;"IN BC REGISTER. "': 1 ;"Further Adventures of Paxman."''" By David Richards"''" The Ghost monsters are tryingto break the Paxland dam and flood Pax City."'" Paxman has to be fired up to chomp the ghosts in mid-air."'" The city is saved when all "'"10 Ghosts have been chomped. If not Paxland will be flooded."' 1 ;"BYTE? ";A$ 1 ;"ANOTHER GAME? (Y=YES)" 1 ;"A new game?(Y/N)" 1 ;"A new game (Y/N)?" 1 ;"5 LOAD """" CODE" 1 ;"4 SAVE """;START;""" CODE ";START;",";(AD+1 1 ;"3 QUIT"; 1 ;"2 START WITH NEW ADDRESS"; 1 ;"1 RUN CODE (AT USR ";START;")"; 1 ;" XADOM from QUICKSILVA"; 1 ;" START THE TAPE " 1 ;" RUN CODE- ARE YOU SURE? (Y/N)" 1 ;" PRESS KEY TO REGISTER AMAZEMENT" 1 ;" PLEASE WAIT!! " 1 ;" ALIEN REINFORCEMENTS ARRIVED! GAME OVER": 1 ;" 3 Load next magazine section" 1 ;" 2 Look at flashy display again" 1 ;" 1 SAVE ""PRANG"" CODE 23760,30" 1 ;" STILL LOADING - LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;" SENTINEL from ABACUS"; 1 ;" Note that the code is relocat-able, so it can be loaded back at any address you choose and will run there." 1 ;" ZIP-ZAP from IMAGINE"; 1 ;" STOP TAPE - PRESS ANY KEY "; 1 ;" PSSST from ULTIMATE"; 1 ;" PRESS SPACE TO READ AGAIN OR PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT REVIEW" 1 ;" PRESS SPACE TO READ AGAIN OR PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE " 1 ;" PRESS 1, 2, OR 3 " 1 ;" ____________" 1 ;" ____________" 1 ;" ________" 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " 1 ;" ": 1 ; " Press SPACE to read text again Press ENTER for utility prog" 1 ; " 1 ; " 1 ::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 5B1A = END 1 5B19 C9 RET 1 5B17 20ED JR NZ,LOOP 1 5B16 0D DEC C 1 5B14 10F0 DJNZ LOOP 1 5B13 23 INC HL 1 5B12 77 LD (HL),A 1 5B11 83 ADD A,E 1 5B0F E638 AND 038H 1 5B0D C608 ADD A,8 1 5B0C 7E LD A,(HL) 1 5B0B 5F LD E,A 1 5B09 E607 AND 7 1 5B07 C601 ADD A,1 1 5B06 7E LOOP: LD A,(HL) 1 5B03 010300 LD BC,0003 1 5B00 = ORG 23296 1 5B00 210058 LD HL,ATTR 1 5800 = ATTR EQU 22528 1 4ZZZZ<<<<<<<<< 1 22222222222222 1 222222222222 1 22200222GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22200222GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22200222GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22200222GGGGGG 1 2220022222222222444444442222222222200222222222244,,,,,,4422222222220022222222244,,,,,,,,442222222220 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 07777777777770000000000000000777777777777777000000000000000000700220000077700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000444222224440000 0 000000000000000000000000000000000004444400444440044444004444400000044444004444400444440044444000000444440044444004444400444440000000220000022000002200000220000000002200000220000022000002200000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00444044404440444044400 ))))))))))))))))))))) 1 0123456789ABCDEF 1 00000000000000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222200222 1 .........MOTHER SHIP,100 PTS" 1 ................LANDER,10 PTS" 1 ...................YOUR SHIP" 1 ...................POD,10 PTS" 1 -<<<<<~<<<< 1 ,i;"SPECTRUM COMPUTING"; 1 ," Four popular joysticks are supp 1 ) 1 '''" Send contributions on tape to-" 1 ''" Press any key to start" 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG%%% %%%GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG%%% %%%GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG%%% %%% 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 "you should select 'run' inadver-tantly. Use of the 'save' optionis recommended before running a code routine to avoid having to re-enter it all by hand after a crash. This option will automat-ically SAVE the code from the start of entry to the last byte entered or examined, giving the" 1 "you don't need to buy the back- plane until you expand further, as one board can be attached di-rectly to the Spectrum. The RS232 board is for inter- facing to serial devices such asprinters, modems and other com- puters. A sophisticated IC (the" 1 "you already know assembly lan- guage."'" You can have a lot of fun am- ongst the System variables with-out knowing any code programmingthough, and you can use the progto look through the Spectrum ROMas well, though you won't be able to alter anything in it." 1 "with MP's own analogue, resist- ance reading sticks, the kind with little 'volume' controls inthem. This type of port is verynearly an analogue to digital converter, and is therefor idealas a general purpose port for" 1 "we studied in Physics class. The stations will stand a bit of fire, which is just as well, as it is impossible to protect them completely. Attack comes from all directions, and the ship moves by swivel and thrust,a realistic type of motion but not the easiest to fly by button" 1 "very least tells you what the hex codes mean to the micropro- cessor. The Spectrum manual doeslist the codes in Appendix A with the character set, but thisonly gives the assembler mnemon-ics, which is not enough unless" 1 "two joysticks, and Micro Power have expanded on this potential considerably."'" There are no less than three joystick connectors on the mod- ule, one of which will accept anAtari/Kempston type of self-cen-tering switch operated joystick,and the other two are for use" 1 "turn the signals on and subse- quently ignore them. This means characters keep getting lost when the printer buffer is full,etc. Patching the programs took me several days, using my other" 1 "to start over at a new address, SAVE or LOAD a machine code fileor quit may be selected instead. Running a newly written code program is quite likely to causean irrecoverable crash or lockupso there is a safety feature to allow you to change your mind if" 1 "to fold into the cassette case, so the box can be chucked."," Four popular joysticks are supported. Apparently this is now a policy at Imagine, which Iapplaud, but this game, with itsodd controls, is OK on the keys.": 1 "the other sends both PRINT and LIST output to a 'proper' print-er. Both programs work, after a fashion, but not at the baud rate at which the two boards I have seen were set by the maker. To change the baud rate, you have to re-solder a wire link ina different position, or change the machine code portion of the" 1 "stop bits, and parity are selec-table under program control. TheDART can be use asynchronously or synchronously, in interupt driven or polled modes, and lotsof handshaking options are thereif you want them." 1 "start address as a name for the saved file. Use of the LOAD op- tion will then show the address on screen for entry into the program by hand after a crash." 1 "recall seeing the name DURELL before. If this is their first offering they've started well. Incidentally, our snapshot shows a position which cannot occur in play. Where oddity is concerned, we won't be eclipsed!": 1 "prompts on the next page." 1 "program, which is less flexible.Not everyone is familiar with either process. Part of the trouble is that the programs do not use the handshaking properly, but just" 1 "printed in 1 "press. The left hand takes care of the swivel controls while theright has to cope with thrust, photon, missile and force field.This last requires a shift of the fingers and is of little useanyhow. Joysticks not supported." 1 "of apicide anyhow, though I can skip across the stepping stones pretty well. The dead monkey score is kept separately."'" There are 4 speeds and a high score table which takes initialsbut you have to complete the course to get on it. The cursor keys are used for movement, not ideal but OK for this game." 1 "little thing for you. In fact, the software is the weak point of the package. It consists of two programs aimed at desirable tasks. One is to allow the Spectrum to behave as a terminal to another computer," 1 "is sometimes useful when one de-sires to have a short piece of code in a form that can be POKEDinto memory from within a BASIC program."'" The code can be run under menucommand if desired. Or options" 1 "flexible implementation of RS232available to the serious user, provided he can cope with it. This one I can demonstrate. I have downloaded Prang's rotatingrainbow assembler listing from the big box for you to see." 1 "fertilize or water the plant as well, but your main task is to spread wholesale death about thescreen to keep your shoot from being nibbled. Your robot will also expire on contact with any of the creepy-crawlies.": 1 "far as I know. I nearly said thesame thing in another review in this issue until an Atari adverton TV woke me up."'" You control a space fighter defending a space station from attack by meteors and aliens." 1 "experiments. There is no reason why a potentiometer type digitaltracer should not take the placeof the joystick, for instance. As an example of the sounds that can be programmed into the" 1 "down) need different keys from climbing (up or down)? Joysticksare not catered for and no won- der. You would need two to cope. Every squashed miner gets you a couple bars of death music, a tune I have gone off, frankly." 1 "das at the back). Once you have used a gate it displays the num-ber of the room it leads to, so you can learn your way around. Most hazards are survivable but DON'T step on the antimatter!": 1 "computer, a twin disk CP/M mach-ine with assembler, mainly be- cause I had to learn about the DART chip first."'" The documentation at least is up to the job, and has all the information you need to sort outthe software." 1 "chip, an introductory cassette gives you lasers, gunshots, a bomb dropping, all the old fav- ourites, but more impressive by far is the 'day at the seaside',in which the pounding surf, sea-bird calls, and foghorns mix it up and quite carry one off." 1 "buttons is spread all over the keyboard so you should be able to find a set to suit."," The object is to collect the fuel cells to power the hyper- space gate to get you to the next sector, where you do it allagain. Shoot aliens by all means" 1 "but it's more important to avoidthem and get the fuel fast."," This cassette came in one of those awkward large boxes that the retailers love but which won't fit your tape file. The instruction sheet is trim enough" 1 "bit refers to the fact that the action takes place in real-time 3D animation."'" The action routine seems to bethe only part written in machinecode, the bulk of the program, and bulk is the word, being BAS-IC. This works very well, giving" 1 "and it makes all the difference. More and more games seem to require joysticks by virtue of their speed and/or complexity, but many, and this is one, wouldbe perfectly playable with a sensible set of key controls.": 1 "all you really have is a BEEP amplifier, unless you write yourown programs."'" Most new home computers have something like this built in. Perhaps if we all had one..." 1 "a good turn of speed where it isof the essence, and letting the BASIC handle the text messages and such leisurely interuptions. There are a lot of these, helpscreens, reincarnations, even a court martial at the end.": 1 "Z80A DART) is employed to give you endless options. Baud rates can be selected foreach of two channels, separatelyfor the channels and for receiveand transmit on one channel. Thenumber of bits per character," 1 "When the ape comes to do him a mischief and finds him already done in by a falling tree, it scratches its head in simian perplexity. Nice little touches. It isn't the usual arcade typegame, more of an obstacle coursewhere timing is all important." 1 "RUN AT USR 0 WOULD RESET & ERASE": 1 "Most unusual of all is that the killing of monkeys is optional. If you'd rather not, then they steal your axe and you have to go back for another, not much ofan inconvenience to an animal lover. I never found the trick": 1 "In fact you get five stations, with four ships each. You are armed with homing missiles (thatsometimes home in on you) and something called a photon, whichturns out to be more powerful than the well known abstraction" : 1 "ENTER DECIMAL ADDRESS FOR START ";START 1 "DB<<<<<<<<<<<> 1 " SPECTRUM COMPUTING- ISSUE FOUR NOV/DEC 1 " RIGHT........................Z" 1 " LEFT................CAPS SHIFT" 1 " First Again next page Arcade Action ""bomber"" Hardware Reviews ""hard"" Old face, New game ""pax"" Software Reviews ""reviews1"" The Wizard ""prang""" 1 " FIRE.........................B" 1 " You will probably want to re- move the excess verbage from theprogram and tape it separately. There are REMs in the prog to tell you how. But why not give it a tryout first?" 1 " You could start by looking at address 23760, where you will find the 'stop tape' alarm code.The first byte, 11 (hex), tells the Z80 to enter the next two bytes into its E and D regis- ters. These registers are used later in the routine as countersin the sound output loop." 1 " Xadom bills itself as an 'ar- cade quality adventure', and so it is. There are up to 200 rooms(20 for beginners) to search forvarious items, monsters to be a-voided or slain, and traps and mazes to negotiate. The 'arcade'" 1 " Welcome to our fourth issue." 1 " We don't have a rating system for programs reviewed in this mag. The reason is partly that wresting a snap from a protectedmachine code program is too muchwork if one is unimpressed with it to begin with. This one, as Isaid, is mainly BASIC. Just get-ting lazy I guess.": 1 " Very similar to a number of other ladder-and-rolling-objectsgames, including its stable-mateSHEER PANIC, but this version does have a second stage with a different type of hazard." 1 " U-Microcomputers RS232 Board" 1 " This time the enemy is hordes of bugs and the weapon a spray can, (would it were that easy!) but you have to choose the rightaerosol from a selection or the bugs will only be stunned. Now and then you get a chance to " 1 " This offering is not cheap at over 40 pounds with the edge connector adaptor, especially when you realise that you get anRS232 interface thrown in when you buy a Microdrive, but it is probably the most complete and" 1 " This magazine is made up of a number of articles and programs chained together in a manner similar to the 'HORIZONS' tape that came with your computer." 1 " This issue's Hangout consists mostly of a machine code tool, aprogram which can be used to ex-amine and modify bytes in the memory at any chosen address. The address and contents are displayed in both decimal and hexadecimal form, with the hex" 1 " This is programmed mostly in BASIC, and you can get a look atthe listing if you're clever. They've used a trick I haven't seen before to hide it. I shan'tspoil your fun by revealing it." 1 " This is part of an expansion system which is capable of add- ing up to seven circuit boards to the Spectrum via a 'buffered backplane' attached to the Spec-trum edge connector. However, ifyou only want one add on board" 1 " There is the usual catch 22 torpedo that sinks so many trulywonderful products in the com- puter world of course. It goes like this- No one wants the hardware until there's lots of software to run on it, but no one writes the software until there are lots of people using the hardware." 1 " There are so many screens of information, etc. that they get their own menu, in addition to the main menu, where you set up the speed, number of rooms, and choice of control keys. These can be either the cursor keys orone other, more ergonomic, set." 1 " The programmers could do much with the facilities this Add-On offers, but at the moment only Micro Power offer any software to use the sound and joystick capability. Without software," 1 " The object is to get your men from the bottom to the top with-out getting clobbered by rollingrocks. If you manage that then you start over with poison gas filling the mine. There are pro-tective suits spotted about to deal with this problem." 1 " The object here is to grow a beautiful flower by directing a little robot gardener in his horticultural labours. A gentle,charming scenario which has beengrown into a shameless zap-game by the green, red, blue, etc. fingered potterers at Ultimate." 1 " The game is distinguished fromothers primarily by the complex controls, no less than 8 differ-ent functions arranged in an un-helpful and unalterable array. Donning and shedding gas suits require controls of their own, but why should jumping (up or": 1 " The easiest way to use it is to go through the articles in sequence, following the prompts.However, there is a table of contents on the next page, for those who wish to go straight toa particular article or program." 1 " The controls are a simple leftright, up, down, fire scheme andwould be fine except that they are all jammed onto one half rowon the keyboard, QWERT. This maymake for easy programming, and perhaps faster running, as only one of the eight keyboard ports has to be polled for input, but" 1 " The controls are Left, Right, Up, Down, and Strike. Only a nutwould complain about an adven- ture game not supporting joy- sticks, so I'll just pronounce the keyboard controls adequate. Movement between rooms is via hyperspace gate (those red pago-" 1 " Superiority of the Spectrum apart, our magazine will retain its lead over all comers largelydue to the quality of the con- tributions from you lot, our readers. In this issue we have three superb reader's programs, now all we need is more!" 1 " Some of the graphics are 3D but the overall layout does not seem to have any perspective. Perhaps hyperdrive works throughthe third dimension in a two- dimensional universe."," A choice of different control": 1 " Some knowledge of machine codewould seem to be required if oneis to use this utility. However,it is also true that some such utility is needed if one is to learn machine code! Everyone hasto start somewhere." 1 " So if you want to be rich and famous, send us your programs first, you'll be too busy after-wards! On tape please, no print-out needed. We always agree on afee before using any program." 1 " Please note that some files load in an unusual fashion. Do not stop the tape until you see a flashing prompt and hear the hooter." 1 " Pity, because three program- able sound channels are a revel-ation after the Spectrum BEEP. A three channel sound chip is just part of what you get with the Spectrum Add-On. The chip isthe ubiquitous AY-3-8910, which is also capable of interfacing" 1 " Obviously we can't show you a printers print, or the spacious freedom of extra memory, and we can't play three channel ampli- fied sound for you unless you have a three channel sound chip and amplifier fitted." 1 " Now, if that last paragraph was a little opaque to you, thenyou will find using this board afrustrating, perhaps abortive, experiment. The hardware is cap-able of a great deal, but it is complicated to use, and the sup-plied software will not do every" 1 " Last issue we racked up yet another publishing first for 'Spectrum Computing'. Yes, for the very first time anywhere, a magazine editor was scooped by his advertisment manager. " 1 " Just how does a real time in- teractive magazine like ours do a self-demonstrating review of apiece of hardware which our pub-lic very likely do not possess? The answer is very indirectly, if at all." 1 " It must also be the first timethat a magazine has flashed its front cover with an announcementof an advertisement inside. Whatcheek! Luckily we can point to areader's letter in the same is- sue suggesting such advertising." 1 " If difficulty is what gives a game lasting appeal, then this one will hold you a while. My own best score was achieved by leaving the keyboard untouched, too easy to shoot yourself.": 1 " I only got that far because uspro's are sent a special versionof the tape with a 'cheat' but- ton. The game is actually quite difficult, as your drive unit isjammed on. You can steer, and slow down a bit, but you can't stop." 1 " I have not yet seen the world exclusive first user-friendly interactive advert, and neither has the reviewer who thinks thatJungle Trouble (see reviews thisissue) is such an oddity, but when I do get a copy I expect tobe impressed. You may get a lookbefore I do, I only work here." 1 " Here is a space zapper that's different from the others. No, truly. Well, obviously you're inspace and zapping things. Thingslike asteroids and saucer ships.But it isn't a 'version' of any arcade favourite as so many homecomputer games are, at least, as" 1 " Finally, the Add-On has a one chip (LM380) amplifier with vol-ume control and its own speaker which can be used to beef up theBEEP output as well as the Add- On's own noises way past the point a reasonable person would require." 1 " ENTER HEX BYTE (00 TO FF) OR JUST PRESS ENTER TO STEP ALONG"''" ENTER U TO STEP UP OR Q TO QUIT"''" ADDRESS BYTE DECIMAL HEX BEFORE AFTER" 1 " Comprehensive instructions aresupplied on a tiny scrap of pa- per instead of the cassette in- lay. Odd, but the whole product is out of the ordinary. I don't" 1 " By the time you read this, ourmagazine will no longer be the only on-screen mag, just the or-iginal and best. We are being joined by similar organs for theVIC and BBC, both from ASP of course. Nice publisher, shame about the hardware." 1 " As usual, the code is sitting in a line 1 REM statement, whichmakes it very easy to nick. You can either delete all the lines in this prog except line 1, and then tape it as a BASIC program,or you can tape it as a CODE program by following the screen" 1 " As to how you use it, that's up to you! But have a look at the listing, it is chock full ofREMs to guide you. Line 1 will not print because of 'illegal' characters so use LIST 2." 1 " An alteration of these bytes will change the sound of the alarm completely. Try it out. If you want to learn machine code programming you will need abook on the subject which at the" 1 " Amusing if not amazing atten- tion to detail is what stands out the most in this jungle. Thelittle stick figure (that's you)doesn't just fall in the water, he somersaults. He doesn't mere-ly die, he sprouts a halo first." 1 " All this for less than twenty notes (including VAT but not thejoysticks), so what can the man find to complain about? Has to be something, this is a review, not an advert, after all." 1 " Admirers of Arcadia will know that Imagine has more species ofaliens on the payroll than any- one else, and they all show up here to give the poor old droid a hard time. I found 32 screens of them before wrap-around." 1 " A pinch of M/C is just the thing to liven up the BASIC in- gredients in any recipe, so hereis another spoonful of the mix- ture as never before for you to pinch for your own programs." 1 " You have only one chance per ghost,if you do not chomp the ghost it will knock a brick out of the dam."''" PRESS '0' TO FIRE" 1 " The alien fleet are waiting for re-inforcements in their invasion of the Solar System. Your mission,should you accept, is to destroy PODS and LANDERS before time runs out and the BATTLE-FLEET arrives!" 1 " Direct hits on the alien spacecraft will always score. However not all of them will be destroyed first time.." 1 " Also BEWARE of the MOTHER- SHIPS since when these are hit with your Antimatter Beam,they will dive Kamikazi-style on to your ship!If you do destroy one successfully,then you earn an extra 100 points.There is also a BONUS for speed. GOOD LUCK" 1 " Choose an option- " 1 " By CHRIS ANDREW " 1 " YOUR MISSION"; 1 " CONTROL KEYS "; 1 " INVADERS"; 1 " CONTENTS " 1 me up."'" You control a space fighter defending a space station from attack by meteors and aliens." 1 for easy identification. Entry of bytes is in hex only,as this is much the preferred method for programing in machinecode. However, the decimal form is displayed as well because it" 1 and the decimal in 1 SET UP U.D.G's 1 LOOSE A LIFE 1 FALLING MOTHER SHIP 1 EXIT PROGRAM.......... 1 ASP LTD 11110111111 145 CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON WC2H OEE TEL. 01-437 1002 EDITOR IOLO DAVIDSON " 1 11110111111 ASP" 1 "it is awkward in use. If you areactually used to the cursor keysfor games then this setup will destroy you, as the directions are swapped about. The Kempston joystick is supported, however," 1 /\ + |||" 1 " 1 " More Reviews ""reviews2"" Defend Your... ""space"" Hacker's Hangout ""hack""" 1 " 1 " 1 " In case you couldn't quite de-cide exactly what was happening,the routine runs through the at-tributes area of the screen mem-ory changing all the colours, INK and PAPER, to the next high-est number (except 7 goes to 0)." 1 " 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1